Thursday, December 10, 2015

Reflection on my Transformation

It was one of those rare occasions when I'm at home with my daughter alone. She is a good girl, and quite mature for her age except for those few occasions when she becomes me - as when I was a child - easygoing and carefree.

It was four in the evening and we had a cup of coffee together. It is a ritual for us - I make the Sunday afternoon coffee. Since Kejal, my wife, was off for a conference, I washed the cups at the sink. It was a momentous occasion, and it seemed my life presented me with those dejavu's that it sometimes does. I remembered the time when I was young, and stayed alone with my father when my mother was on one of her trips to my siblings' places out of town.

Time stood still, and I was my father, sharing his wisdom through quaint anecdotes from his field life as a Railwayman!

Now I'm the father, conversing with my daughter, sharing with her what life has taught me so far.

Such is life - it puts your feet in shoes of your demi-gods when you least expect, and then it is up to you to see that you are fit to wear those shoes!

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